It is extremely important that you know exactly what you are getting into. The seminar is your first exposure to our program and our unique philosophy in managing weight loss long term. We have very clear beliefs and want to help you evolve into a new life. With that in mind, we have developed our online seminar as a way to help those who cannot travel to Summerville for an evening seminar to still have exposure and benefit from the education we teach during that lecture. I have tried to make it as entertaining and informative as possible but I still recognize that you are watching a computer screen and dealing with the distractions of everyday life. Please watch the seminar in a quiet room free of distractions and if need be, take the time to watch it again.

After all, if you eventually get the opportunity to have surgery, your life and very survival are dependent upon your understanding and ability to follow the instructions within the program. If you have any questions after viewing this seminar, please call the office at: (843) 875-8994.

Upon full completion of this form we will contact you to schedule your first appointment with Dr. Neil McDevitt or Dr. Michael Michel. If you have not heard from the office within 3 business days, please call (843) 875-8994 or email to confirm that we have received your information.

All fields with an asterisk (*) are required.

Thank You

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2023-SATL-Coastal Carolina Bariatric-Attestation for Online Seminar-PI
Date of Viewing Seminar*

For each question, please check all that apply

Name the types of surgery performed at CCBC:*
BMI stands for Body Mass Index. Which BMIs are considered obese?*
Who is eligible for Bariatric Surgery?*
Who is not eligible for Bariatric Surgery?*
Which are complications of the Lap-Band?*
Which are complications of the Sleeve Gastrectomy?*
Which are complications of the Roux en Y Gastric Bypass?*
Which supplements do Roux en Y Gastric Bypass patients have to take every day for the rest of their lives?*
What are possible side effects of the Roux en Y Gastric Bypass?*

Contact information

The hard part is over. The rest of the questions should be really easy to answer. Please complete the following demographic information so that we can contact you to schedule your first appointment.


Upon submission of this form we will contact you to schedule your first appointment with Dr. Neil McDevitt or Dr. Michael Michel. If you have not heard from the office within 3 business days, please call (843) 875-8994 or email